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The enterprise hold the whole world, Whitecospharm company standing out in the center of it.

  • Whitecospharm Co., LTD Organia continuously research and develop organic products.
    We create New value to realize beauty of dream.
  • We contribute to enhance quality of human life and Ultimately,
    we grow up as a company which can be trustworthy and give a good impression on our
    customer with best product.
    NOW, we are getting strengthening 30 overseas agents.
    We will build network with all of the customers in all over the world.
  • When we give what customer want and that can be touching our customer,
    We will grow up a company which can hold the whole world eventually.
    We try to do our best to realize dream of beauty with trust and
    devotion in our professional field.
  • CompanyWhitecospharm Co., LTD
  • Head office194, Seonggeo-gil, Seonggeo eup, Seobuk-gu, Cheonan-si, Chungnam, 331-836 KOREA
  • Call(Phone)041-565-3400 (Fax)041-564-9585
  • Business FieldFunctional cosmetics, Hair, Body, Foundation, Color cosmetics
  • Relative CompanyBig Distribution Mart In Nation( E-mart, Home-plus, Lotte-mart)
    Overseas( New-york, Japan, China, Singapore, Vietnam)